Internal tooling
- Out of Context: Can You Tell I've Been Spending Time on Mastodon? (13 Apr 2024 | Tags: Mastodon, Musk, Capitalism kills, LLMs, Agile, Software Development, Product Management, Internal tooling, StretchText, User safety, eerie, power)
ADHD Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) ActivityPub Agile Atlanta Blogging BookWyrm CPTSD Capitalism kills Chicago Cop City Covid Datasette Deb Chachra IndieWeb Infrastructure Internal Family Systems (IFS) Internal tooling Internet Archive Intrapsychic Humanism (IH) Jekyll Kendrick Lamar LDA LLMs Logic School Long Covid Mastodon Musk Optimism Product Management Release SQLite Sheepdog Software Development Solidarity in the Dark StretchText TERFs TTRPG Tikkun Olam User safety Visakan Veerasamy Web Design Year in Review annotations announcement antisemitism archives art blaugust blaugust2024 blogging books career chronic illness context collapse data data exploration datasette education eerie elections elixir embracing softness engineering fanfiction game design generational trauma hiphop iNaturalist identity infrastructure inner critic intersectionality maintenance management mastodon memes music nature observability pandemics papers personal data infrastructure personal growth personal history personal news piracy plugins podcasts police violence politics power projects protest psychology public health python release remote work self-care self-compassion self-promotion semantic listening setting intentions thiiird person transphobia visible-to-sqlite writing zines